Basically, the all-terrain version of diffusers, this sturdy must-have can withstand all conditions. Does it require much care? It really should be re-named “Who Cares”? This diffuser literally cleans itself with purifying natural qualities in the Baltic birch and leather. No kidding, you don’t have to ever take it off. This is a no-fuss, packed-full-of-benefits and designed-to-make-your-life-easy diffuser.
Size: 16" in length
Simply put several few drops of essential oil directly onto the outside of your diffuser, let it soak into the baltic birch wood, and enjoy!
Diffusing with natural doTERRA wood pendant jewelry diffusers has great benefits. Simply add a few drops of your favorite essential oil directly onto the pendant and enjoy those benefits all throughout the day. A standout among natural renewable materials, Baltic Birch hard wood is valued for its appealing light color, smooth texture and outstanding durability. Perfect to use with the Kids collection!
If desired, simply use mild soap and water to clean. Baltic Birch is naturally lightweight, odorless and dries quickly.
Providing a clear pathway to your aroma benefits, we design exclusively with pure metals. Just as there are no contaminants, fillers or adulterations in our oils, our metals are set to the same standard. We source our solid brass in the USA where we can follow its production from the ground to your hands. Each artisan piece is passed from our hands to yours and is ready to diffuse your favorite essential oil. The clasps and rings on this diffuser are natural metals.
Birch trees are the ultimate renewable resource with virtually every part of the tree being utilized. Birch is an abundant species found in the forests bordering the Baltic. Birch species are relatively fast growing and support a myriad of varied wildlife, and where managed as a sustainable forest resource, do not impinge on the natural biodiversity.
Our eco 7-step hand-crafted artisan finish gives the jewelry its beautiful rich color and glow. Natural Brass will lighten and darken with wear and the use of oils. It will go from a rich caramel brown to a light gold luster depending upon how often you wear it. Both lusters are considered in its natural state and are unique to the wearer.
We place the highest importance on pairing affordable, high quality diffuser jewelry with pure essential oils so you can enjoy the freedom to diffuse without going to great expense.